• Twenty-First-Century Feminismos, Women s Movements in Latin America and the Caribbean

    The women’s movement is a central, complex, and evolving socio-political actor in any national context. Vital to advancing gender equity and gendered relations in every contemporary society, the organization and mobilization of women into social movements challenges patriarchal values, behaviours, laws, and policies through collective action and contention, radically altering the direction of society over time. Twenty-First-Century Feminismos examines ten case studies from eight different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to better understand the ways in which women’s and feminist movements react to, are shaped by, and advance social change. A closer look at women’s movements in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, and Uruguay uncovers broader recurrent patterns at the regional level, such as the persistence of certain grievances historically harboured by regional movements, the rise in prominence of varying claims, and the emergence of novel organizational structures, repertoires, and mobilization strategies. Dissimilarities among the cases are also brought to light, including the composition of these movements, their success in effecting policy change in specific areas, and the particular conditions that surround their mobilization and struggles. Twenty-First-Century Feminismos provides a compelling account of the important victories attained by Latin American and Caribbean organized women over the course of the last forty years, as well as the challenges they face in their quest for gender justice.

  • Incomplete Universalization? Peruvian Social Policy Reform, Universalism, and Gendered Outcomes
    by NORA NAGELS,  

    This article analyzes Peruvian social reforms of the early 2000s, in relation to the stated goal of increasing universality as well as to their gendered impacts. It argues that three principal limitations inhibited the move to universality and did little to promote gender equality. First, the quality of public service is weak and this has had a particularly adverse impact on women. Second, the reforms have not limited the historical fragmentation of the Peruvian social policy architecture. Finally, social program implementation is still coercive, limiting the reinforcement of social rights based on citizenship for women.