On Wednesday, August 24, a panel sponsored by ÉRIGAL and LLACS (Lab for Latin American and the Caribbean Studies) was held at the CALACS Annual Conference "Latin America and the Caribbean in Times of Covid-19: Responses, Adaptation and Recovery".
The panel, organized by Tina Hilgers (Concordia University) was entitled "Governance, Inclusion and Citizenship in Times of COVID-19."
The discussion was moderated and the contributions commented by Nora Nagels (UQAM). Several ERIGAL doctoral students and other collaborators participated in this panel.
Jonas Lefebvre (University of Montreal) presented a research on the impact of Covid on the electoral dynamics during the last Brazilian municipal elections, entitled: "Between ruptures and continuities in the context of health and economic crisis, a look back at the Brazilian municipal elections of 2020". It was co-authored with Valentin Pautonnier, also a PhD student at UdeM.
Martin Bertolotti (UQAM) presented a research paper that explored the consequences of the health crisis on the LGBTQI+ community in Argentina, entitled: "Pandemic and sexual diversity perspective, a view from Córdoba, Argentina".
Rose Chabot (McGill University) offered a comparative study between the discursive transformations around two public policies, in Argentina and the United States, entitled "The 'Crises' as discursive opportunities. Immigration and abortion rights expansion initiatives in times of crisis". The research was conducted in collaboration with Jennie Cottle.
Finally, Garance Robert (University of Montréal) and Camille Denicourt-Fauvel (Sciences Po Paris) presented a paper to be published in the journal Cahiers des Amériques latines, "Continuity of Latin American Crises and Struggles in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic", which offers a comparison of the impacts of Covid-19 on social mobilizations and movements between Guatemala and Chile. The original paper also offers a comparative perspective including Venezuela and was co-authored by Thomas Posado (Ph.D., science po Paris).
Congratulations to all the participants for their contributions, and a big thank you to Tina Hilgers for organizing and to Nora Nagels for her stimulating and enriching comments!