ÉRIGAL renews its FRQSC grant for 2024-2028!
With great pleasure, pride, and excitement, we are thrilled to announce that ÉRIGAL has successfully obtained the renewal of its FRQSC research team grant for the period 2024-2028!
There have been a few minor changes within the team for this renewal. Françoise Montambeault (UdeM) continues in her role as director, and Nora Nagels (UQAM) joins as the team's co-director! Additionally, we extend a warm welcome to McGill's Tania Islas Weinstein and UQO's Marc-André Anzueto as new full members. Manuel Balán and Thomas Collombat have transitioned to collaborators. The remaining professors maintain their positions and will play active roles in our future endeavors. Furthermore, ÉRIGAL remains committed to collaborating with various partners from Quebec universities and beyond, including Stéphanie Rousseau, Adriana Pozos, Pamela Colombo, Juan Pablo Luna, Frédéric Louault, Olivier Dabène, and Ana Laura Rodríguez-Gustá.
We eagerly anticipate reconnecting with all of you soon!
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