Françoise Montambeault and Priscylla Joca co-publish an article on FPIC and Indigenous Consultation Protocols in Brazil
ÉRIGAL members Françoise Montambeault and Priscylla Joca co-publish, with their colleague Liana Amin Lima da Silva of the Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (Brazil), an article entitled "FPIC and Indigenous Consultation Protocols in Brazil: Comparative Trajectories" in the Recherches amérindiennes au Québec journal.
Abstract: This article aims to document the phenomenon of Indigenous consultation protocols in Brazil by comparing two cases, the Juruna and the Munduruku protocols. This paper also intends to trace the emergence and uses of these protocols by the actors in place, in order to emphasize not only their legal but also political scope. The following comparison brings to light that, even though there are widespread advances and challenges regarding the Indigenous consultation protocols in Brazil and being the protocols theoretically similar, in fact, there is a significant variation in the trajectories of emergence and implementation of those protocols. In conclusion, the proposed comparison shows that a contextual and situated analysis that focuses on the strategies and practices of the actors may be more fruitful in order to understand, in practice, how the mechanisms of appropriation of the norm of FPIC and its implementation operate.
To read it : it's here!