Professor of Social Sciences at the l’Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)
My research is in the field of political sociology and the sociology of religion.
My research and teaching activities focus on international cooperation, politics and society in Latin America, international development, democracy and citizenship, culture and identity.
My recent work shows the importance of social movements for democracy and development, women and diversity in social movements and the significance of the relationship between social movements and political parties.
My current research follows three main themes
Social movements and political parties in Brazil
The evolution of the women's movement in Brazil
The impact of the women's movement in Brazil on public policies
Recent research projects
Fairbnb's contribution to the urban commons
Gender and the urban commons
Social movements in Paraguay
Pink Tides and Right Turns in Latin America
21st century feminism: women’s movements across Latin America
Latest publications
Manuel Larrabure, Charmain Levy, Maxwell A. Cameron, Joe Foweraker, Lena Lavinas & Susan Jane Spronk (2021) Roundtable: the Latin American state, Pink Tide, and future challenges, Globalizations
Levy, C. & Martinez, A. (2019) Genre, féminismes et développement: Une trilogie en construction. Publisher: Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, p.501.
Levy, C. (2019) “Genre, mouvements des femmes et changements sociopolitiques dans les Suds Le cas du Brésil » Éditrices : Charmain Levy & Andrea Martinez in Genre, féminismes et développement: Une trilogie en construction. Publisher: Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, pp. 151-169.
Levy, C. (2019) « Politique de gauche, résistance et résilience dans les espaces publics en Amérique latine » Éditeur Julian Durazo Herrmann, Les espaces publics, la démocratie et les gauches en Amérique latine. PUL, Québec, pp. 236-254.