Tania Islas Weinstein

Assistant professor at McGill University

I am an assistant professor in the Political Science Department at McGill University. My research and teaching are primarily concerned with understanding how artistic production is used as a tool for political representation, education, and mobilization. I teach courses on the relationship between art and politics, social movements, as well as on ethnographic and interpretive theories and methods. Throughout, I strive to connect political science to other fields of inquiry such as cultural anthropology, sociology, and the arts, thereby both broadening the ambit of political scholarship and creating work that is widely legible. I also write creative nonfiction and collaborate with artists on projects and publications.

My current research focuses on the following three main themes:
Understanding how art and aesthetics shape the way people experience the world as politically significant. 
Analyzing the ways in which race, class, and gender intersect and how different types of identities become essentialized and/or politically mobilized.
Examining the relationship between cultural and natural heritage and political polarization. 

Recent publications:

Islas Weinstein, Tania. 2021. “La institución como verbo.” In Christian Gómez (ed.) Arte Público. Tribuna de Proyecto Siqueiros Para Discusiones Contemporáneas (México: INBAL)
Islas Weinstein, Tania. 2020. “Entre el Paraíso y la Pandemia.” Diarios de Encierro. Una antología para la memoria colectiva. (Madrid: Índigo Editoras): 1081-1104.
Islas Weinstein, Tania. 2020. “Expuestas: Laborious Expectations and the Plight of Feminist Art in Contemporary Mexico.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 4 (45): 903-929.
Islas Weinstein, Tania and Milena Ang. 2020. “AMLO can’t fight poverty through austerity.” Jacobin (
Islas Weinstein, Tania, Mariana Castillo Deball, and Alberto Ortega. 2019. Sun Ra: En algún lado y en ninguno. Poemas. (Bom Dia: Berlin, Germany). (w/ “Introduction” by Tania Islas Weinstein).
