Many of our ÉRIGAL members were present at the CALACS Congress, from May 29th to 31st, 2024!
Congratulations to Andréanne Brunet-Bélanger, who successfully defended her thesis entitled
Five ÉRIGAL students received FRQSC and SSHRC scholarships in 2024!
ÉRIGAL has successfully obtained the renewal of its FRQSC research team grant for the period 2024-2028!
Congratulations to Julián Durazo-Hermann & Charles-Antoine Leboeuf for the publication of their article in the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society
Launch of our fourth video capsule of the series Diálogos-Dialogues, entitled Mapuche Rap: A Tool of Political Resistance
Congratulations to the four doctoral students and three master’s students on receiving an ÉRIGAL research support grant!
Our back-to-school event at Concordia University brought together more than 20 Latin American specialists and over 60 listeners!
In order to analyze the legal framework in which journalistic activity is conducted today in Mexico, the Faculty of Communication (Facico) of the Universidad Veracruzana organizes the workshop
Emmanuelle Roy received the Bombardier SSHRC scholarship for the master’s degree, while Jonas Lefebvre is the recipient of the FRQSC scholarship for the PhD!
Launch of our fourth video capsule of the series Diálogos-Dialogues, entitled The Catadores: A Case of Grassroots Recycling Cooperatives in Brazil
The article is titled The Pandemic and Organized Crime in Urban Latin America New Sovereignty Arrangements or Business as Usual and is published in the Journal of Illicit Economies and Development
Congratulations to Andréanne Brunet-Bélanger for receiving the Université de Montréal Faculty of Arts and Sciences Scholarship for Engagement.
On October 26th, several members of ERIGAL participated in a panel organized by Charmain Levy (professor at UQO and member of ERIGAL), during the Symposium of the UNESCO International Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education
On November 3rd and 4th, ÉRIGAL, in collaboration with the Canada Research Chair in Participation and Citizenship-s, co-hosted a celebration of the scholarly contributions of Philip Oxhorn, founding director of ISID, a leading political scientist and Latin Americanist.
ERIGAL is very pleased to share with you this call for papers, for a seminar followed by the publication of a book coordinated by two ERIGAL professors: Charmain Levy (UQO) and Dan Furukawa Marques
Françoise Montambeaut publishes an article titled Repoliticising indigenous participation: FPIC protocols in Canada and Brazil, co-authored by Martin Papillon, in The International Journal of Human Rights
A summary of ÉRIGAL & LLACS panel at CALACS Congress 2022
Rose Chabot (Mc Gill) & Danielle Coenga (UQAM) each received a writing fellowship, while Jonas Lefebvre and Garance Robert (UdeM) each received a field grant.
Juan Manuel Morales and Garance Robert were both awarded the FRQSC scholarship for their doctoral projects.
Former ERIGAL coordinator, Annabelle Dias Felix successfully defends her doctoral thesis entitled Police work in the streets, from Mexico to Rio de Janeiro
Seven ERIGAL professors participated in the 2022 LASA Congress, from May 5 to May 8
Étienne Sinotte received the JA Bombardier Scholarship for the Master’s degree, while Martine El-Ouardi was awarded the JA Bombardier Scholarship for the PhD!
Romain Busnel has received three awards for his PhD thesis, defended in November 2020
February was a busy month of exciting lectures at ERIGAL, with Kevin Parthenay’s Crises en Amérique latine, les démocraties déracinées and Feminism s Fourth Wave, Feminism, Time and History, with Maxine Molyneux.
This special issue which presents debates on Journalism and Populism was co-edited by Julián Durazo-Herrmann, Tania Gosselin and Allison Harell (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Charmain Levy co-wrote and co-published an introduction, a chapter and a book that we present here
Launch of our second video capsule of the series Diálogos-Dialogues entitled "Espaço Coruja : A feminist childcare law in Rio"
The online Workshop on the Politics of Indigenous Participatory Rights in Latin America in Comparative Perspective, a collaboration between ERIGAL, the Chair of Participation and Citizenship, the CPDS and the CRIDAQ was a success!
ERIGAL was pleased to organize its first hybrid seminar at UQAM on social movements in authoritarian enclaves at the sub-national level, presented by Trix Van Mierlo.
Launch of our second video capsule of the series Diálogos-Dialogues entitled Invisible work : UTRASD s Struggles for Domestic Worker s Dignity in Colombia
Congratulations to Jean-François Mayer for editing a special issue of the Bulletin of Latin American Research : Exploring the Repertoire of Strategies of Resistance to Routinised Violence in Informal Workplaces and his article : Resistance to Chronic Violence in Informal Workplaces: The Strategies of Domestic Workers in Brazil (2003–2018)
Dan Furukawa Marques publishes an article on the political experience of the landless in Brazil, based on the practical use of Merleau-Ponty’s political phenomenology as an ethnographic method in his field of investigation.
Successful completion of the CERIUM summer school piloted by ERIGAL (Françoise Montambeault) and OPALC (Olivier Dabène), as part of the CERI-CERIUM Chair in International Affairs.
ÉRIGAL is pleased to award three Ph.D’s writing scholarships worth $2,500 each and two Master’s research grants of $1500 each for the year 2021-2022
Last week took place the annual Congress of LASA, the Latin American Studies Association, online from Vancouver. This year’s theme was the global crisis, inequalities and the centrality of life. Several of ERIGAL’s faculty members participated in this central scientific activity of the Latin American academic world.
ERIGAL is proud to announce that five of its student members have been awarded SSHRC/FRQSC scholarships at the Master’s and PhD levels for the 2021-2022 competitions. We take this opportunity to introduce them and their work!
New coordination at ÉRIGAL : Many thanks to Annabelle Dias-Félix for her wonderful work during the last five years!
ÉRIGAL is proud to launch its series of capsules ÉRIGAL Diálogos. Dialogue which consists of a series of short video interviews with local Latin American actors, practitioners and academics.
Garance Robert, Ph.D candidate and member of ÉRIGAL, publishes a post on the COVIDAM blog entitled: The Covid-19 pandemic in Guatemala: State weakness and citizen responses
Annabelle Dias Felix, member and coordinator of ÉRIGAL, receives the Société Québécoise de Science Politique (SQSP) writing scholarship for Phd students
Françoise Montambeault, director of ÉRIGAL, and her colleagues Wagner Romão (UNICAMP, Brazil) and Frédéric Louault (ULB, Belgium) are editing a special issue on participatory institutions in Brazil in the Brazilian journal Caderno CRH
Congratulations to Alice Bezerra de Mello Moura (applied social sciences, UQO), Andréanne Brunet-Bélanger (political science, UdeM), Liam Dunbar (political science, Concordia) and Daniel Vasquez (political science, UdeM) who received an ÉRIGAL writing support scholarship worth $2,500 each!
Julián Durazo Hermann, professor of political science at UQÀM and ÉRIGAL member, offers some reflections as part of the event Public Art, Private Lives: Reflections on the 20th Century in Mexico and Elsewhere.
ÉRIGAL is pleased to announce the creation of a CERI-CERIUM Chair linking ÉRIGAL and the Political Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean (OPALC) at Sciences Po Paris.
Manuel Balán, professor in the political science department at McGill University won one of the four Principal’s Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Congratulations!
Congratulations to the four recipients of ÉRIGAL’s first writing and field work scholarships!
Nora Nagels, Professor at the Department of Political Science at UQÀM and member of ÉRIGAL, receives a SSHRC Grant for 2019-2021. Congratulations!
Julian Durazo Herrmann is releasing his new book with Laval University Press entitled ‘Les espaces publics, la démocratie et les gauches en Amérique latine’ which brings together 12 authors.
The application to renew FRQSC funding support for ÉRGIAL’s research teams has been accepted! ÉRGIAL has secured the funding for the next four years.