Twenty-First-Century Feminismos, Women s Movements in Latin America and the Caribbeanby CHARMAIN LEVY,
1/12/2021The women’s movement is a central, complex, and evolving socio-political actor in any national context. Vital to advancing gender equity and gendered relations in every contemporary society, the organization and mobilization of women into social movements challenges patriarchal values, behaviours, laws, and policies through collective action and contention, radically altering the direction of society over time. Twenty-First-Century Feminismos examines ten case studies from eight different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to better understand the ways in which women’s and feminist movements react to, are shaped by, and advance social change. A closer look at women’s movements in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, and Uruguay uncovers broader recurrent patterns at the regional level, such as the persistence of certain grievances historically harboured by regional movements, the rise in prominence of varying claims, and the emergence of novel organizational structures, repertoires, and mobilization strategies. Dissimilarities among the cases are also brought to light, including the composition of these movements, their success in effecting policy change in specific areas, and the particular conditions that surround their mobilization and struggles. Twenty-First-Century Feminismos provides a compelling account of the important victories attained by Latin American and Caribbean organized women over the course of the last forty years, as well as the challenges they face in their quest for gender justice.
Olhares cruzados: Leituras comparativas da integração regional em África e na América Latina in collaboration with Odair Barros-Varelaby JULIÁN DURAZO-HERRMANN,
26/7/2021Regional integration is not only about trade agreements and economic cooperation, but also about the social and political processes that member states aim to integrate into a single common dynamic. The success of regional integration thus depends on public engagement in an open and informed debate that examines and fully exploits the opportunities offered by the changes arising from integration and globalization. Moreover, this open and inclusive approach, to which this book aims to contribute, is a guarantee of the democratic and consensual nature of the process. This book is the result of collaboration between the University of Cape Verde (Uni-CV) and the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM). It presents original research articles that represent a collective, systematic and comprehensive effort aimed at an innovative analysis of regional integration, while seeking to understand in depth its challenges and the solution to its problems.
Legacies of the Left Turn in Latin America. The Promise of Inclusive Citizenshipby MANUEL BALÁN, FRANÇOISE MONTAMBEAULT,
6/12/2019Legacies of the Left Turn in Latin America: The Promise of Inclusive Citizenship contains original essays by a diverse group of leading and emerging scholars from North America, Europe, and Latin America.
Les espaces publics, la démocratie et les gauches en Amérique latineby JULIÁN DURAZO-HERRMANN,
6/5/2019Ce collectif d’auteurs met en commun des visions complémentaires sur les changements politiques, sociaux et économiques du «?virage à gauche?» en Amérique latine.
Genre, féminismes et développement. Une trilogie en constructionby CHARMAIN LEVY,
1/5/2019Misant sur la capacité d’agir et le pouvoir de transformation sociale des femmes des Suds, ce livre examine les enjeux du genre et du développement. Ce manuel féministe, clair et facile à consulter, est spécifiquement conçu pour les cours de premier cycle universitaire sur les femmes, le genre et le développement international. Organisé en sept sections, il offre un panorama aussi vaste que possible des préoccupations féministes reliées au genre et au développement, alimentant ainsi les réflexions et les études de cas dans le domaine.
Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: Subnational Structures, Institutions, and Clientelistic Networksby TINA HILGERS,
19/6/2017Late one night in Quito, Ecuador, two women were held in the office of a jail. One, a pregnant local woman with dark hair and skin, had been found in possession of a drawer full of watches.
Identidade, território e política no contexto de violência na América latinaby TINA HILGERS,
1/1/2017Este livro é resultado do workshop “Clientelismo e Violência na América Latina e no Caribe”, realizado em dezembro de 2013, na Universidade de Carleton, Ottawa, Canadá.
The Politics of Local Participatory Democracy in Latin America. Institutions, Actors, and Interactionsby FRANÇOISE MONTAMBEAULT,
1/1/2015Participatory democracy innovations aimed at bringing citizens back into local governance processes are now at the core of the international democratic development agenda. Municipalities around the world have adopted local participatory mechanisms of various types in the last two decades, including participatory budgeting, the flagship Brazilian program, and participatory planning, as it is the case in several Mexican municipalities. Yet, institutionalized participatory mechanisms have had mixed results in practice at the municipal level. So why and how does success vary? This book sets out to answer that question.